伊利諾州州長J. B. Pritzker於8月9日正式簽署人工智能影像面試法(Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, AIVIA ),此為美國首個規範雇主使用AI作為面試分析工具的州法法案,將於2020年1月1日正式施行。儘管AIVIA 並未規定違反本法的罰則,並且AIVIA 內容也有待州政府提出更精確的說明,但多數評論均認為,本法將成為美國各州規範先進科技應用上的仿效指標。
AIVIA 規範的主要對象為雇主,若其提供之職務位於伊利諾州境內(based in Illinois),並且要求申請者錄製影像面試,同時將使用AI對於錄製的影像進行分析者,不論面試地點位於何處,雇主必須遵守AIVIA 的規定:包括面試前的通知(Notify)、提供(provide)資訊與取得(obtain)同意之規定,以及面試後對於面試影像的分享(sharing)與銷毀(destruction)的規範。
AIVIA 規定,雇主必須於面試前(section 5),通知申請者將可能會使用AI分析面試影像並評估申請者是否適合此職務;同時,雇主也須於面試前提供資訊,解釋AI將如何運作以及AI將以何種特徵類型(general types of characteristics)來評估受試者是否適合此職務;再者,雇主須面試前取得申請者接受AI評估之同意。對於沒有同意的申請者,依AIVIA 規定,雇主不得使用AI進行分析。
面試後,AIVIA 規定,除非是為了評估申請者是否適合此職務,而必須分享影像給具有專長或技術者之外,雇主不得分享申請者的影像(section 10);並且,在雇主收到申請者提出要求(request)的30日內,必須銷毀面試影像,並且雇主應指示所有收到影像副本者,刪除副本影像,包括所有電子備份檔案(electronically generated backup copies)(section 15)。
由於AIVIA 並未針對AI進行定義,也未說明何種程度的AI資訊說明才可滿足其提供資訊之要求,並且AIVIA 要求雇主於收到申請者要求的30日內刪除影像,將可能與聯邦公平就業機會委員會(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC)對私人企業雇主(private employers)所規範之1年記錄保存義務(Recordkeeping Obligation, 29 CFR Part 1602)相衝突;綜上所述,AVIVA的確切施行範圍與施行方式,皆須待伊利諾州政府提供更進一步的說明。
- Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act.(IL HB2557)
- Illinois Restricts Use of AI in Interviews.(Gary R. Clark, Jun. 17 2019, Quarles & Brady LLP)
- Companies Using Video Interviewing Beware: New Obligations for Positions Based in Illinois. (Adam S. Forman and Nathaniel M. Glasser, Jun. 11 2019, The National Law Review)
- Illinois Becomes First State to Regulate Employers’ Use of Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Video Interviews. (Jeffrey Bosley, K.C.Halm, Mattew Jedreski, John Seiver, Sep. 4 2019, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP)
- Illinois Bill Seeks to Regulate Use Of AI in Job Interviews. (Odia Kagan, Jun. 4 2019, Fox Rothschild LLP)
- Illinois Employers Must Comply with Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act. (Daniel Waltz, Molly DiRago, Ronald I. Raether, Jr., Sep. 5 2019, Troutman Sanders)
- Could Video Interviewing Land You in Court? (Sarah Fister Gale, Jul. 1 2019, Workforce)
- Illinois House and Senate Pass Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act. (W. Scott Kitchens, Jun. 7 2019, Alston & Bird)
- Illinois Legislative Update- New Challenges for Employers. (Mary Smigielski, Jul. 8 2019, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP)
- Illinois and City of Chicago Poised to Implement New Laws Addressing changes in the Workplace- Signs of Things to Come.(US)(Daniel B. Pasternak, Jun.5 2019, The National Law Review)
- Keeping an Eye on Artificial Intelligence Regulation and Legislation. (Jennifer Betts, Jun.14 2019, Ogletree Deakins)
- New IL Job “Interview bot” AI Law Could Boost Lawsuit Risks for Employers. (John Breslin, Aug.1 2019, Cook County Record )
- New Illinois Bill Sets Rules for Using AI with Video Interviews. (Danah Wisenberg Brin, Jul.1 2019, SHRM)
- New Illinois Law Governs Use of artificial Intelligence During Interview Process. (Jennifer Froehlich and Robert Vyverberg, Aug.13 2019, JDSUPRA)
- Illinois Regulates the Use of AI in Video Interviews. (Sheryl A. Falk and Eric J. Shinabarger, Jun. 17 2019, LEXOLOGY)
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